(The Emotion of a Lifetime)
Happiness is an emotion that should permeate through
everyone's life. Happiness should run around, and through each
and every thing like a babbling brook caressing its rocky bottom.
It nurtures, heals, thrives, and smiles. Just saying the word,
happiness, is fun, and should bring a smile to your face.
Everything needs happiness to survive. For those that go through
life feeling that something is missing, guess what it is.
Above all else happiness should make you smile, lift your spirits,
and make you want to face life head-on.
Tell a joke, listen to a joke, read a book, write a book. Do
whatever makes you happy.
For those of you that aren't happy I offer you some of my
happiness, because everyone knows I have plenty to go around.
If you start to feel down think of something that makes you
giggle. Like Uncle Ethan's pants falling down in the middle of
Home Hardware, or Grandma Farell's teeth popping out into the
jell-o during Christmas dinner. Everyone has their own little
story. Let other people in on the joke, and put a smile on their
faces too as you give to them some happiness.
Original Site: www.execulink.com/~ilchant/Olympus/happiness.html