
         Happiness is a state of satisfaction. It's something that is inside of you: rich or poor, black or white, beautiful or ugly. It's love and as like love, need our feeding day-by-day. It's a hard work, but step-by-step becomes easier. Everything begins with a smile, a sympathetic attitude, a hello and a truly wish of a good morning. In a short time others smiles comes. It's contagious! Than comes a song and, may be, a dancing. Before noticing will start the step of helping hand, looking besides... hearing, being friendly. The most important is that it doesn't mean you're loosing your respect. You're just beginning to be really respected. Love is life because life needs love to be lived and  fortunately, even if you loose a love you can find love in everything around you. You can transform something that seemed to be bad in the most wonderful thing in Life. Looking around you'll find people who lived real tragedies in their life teaching us how can a person be strong and fight for their lives even after loosing everything. We don't have to feel sorry about them. We need to thank this lesson of courage and give a hand to this strong people to restart theirs own ways. Start today giving happiness to your life: SMILE

                    Lidia I. Bonora

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