$2.00 Happiness
 by Jeremy McLaughlin
    Money can't buy happiness??
    To hell with that
  I say!
    $2.00 can buy Me happiness
    Any day of the week!!
    With valid I.D.,of course
        Over an hour and a half of pure,
           unadulterated HAPPINESS.
         Over an hour and a half you say?
         What kind of crazy algebra is this?
          Now, this ain't the kind of math you learn in class
       -at least not in school.
          This is the class of life - Real World Math 101.
         20 bits of happiness
        ($2.00 for twenty)
         5 minutes a pop
              20 bits x 5 minutes each = 100 minutes
              100 minutes of happiness,
         slow, long, breath after loving breath of pure
       Just $2.00,
        With valid I.D.
                                 -of course
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