The Secret to Happiness

                                                                 By David Sass

Have you ever wondered if there is any one way to assure true happiness? Some will
say money determines happiness. Others may say it's love, family, friends, religion, or
divorce. I've also heard it said that attitude determines happiness; only you can
determine if you are going to be happy. Well all of these things may contribute in some
small way to an individuals' happiness but they are not enough. I'd be elated and simply
delirious if the St. Louis Rams had a winning season or the Utah Jazz won the NBA
championship. But I can't expect this to happen (though it looks much more possible for
the Utah Jazz now), and even if it did, it wouldn't be consistent enough to continually
reinforce my bliss. Thankfully, I've discovered a simple solution to the happiness
dilemma. I drink Coca-Cola classic!

If you'll take a moment to look at the people around you, you'll find
that those drinking Coke are usually much happier than those with
other beverages. Coke drinkers are honest, kind, patient,
understanding, and tolerant of others. You will also find that they are
full of life and exciting. Coke is, after all, the nectar of the gods. This
is the first step to being truly happy. I know, I can hear some Pepsi
drinkers out there saying, "Dave's full of it, I'm happy." 'Tis not true.
These people are living in a world of self-deception. They think they
are happy, but they are not truly happy (as they will find when they
switch to Coke). However, it is O.K. to be a loyal Coke drinker and
still enjoy Pepsi commercials starring Cindy Crawford.

Once you've mastered this first step, and you feel the pride within your heart of being a
loyal Coke drinker, your happiness can be further intensified by understanding the
difference between Coke-enhancers and Coke-dehancers. For example, never drink
Coke with chocolate cake. Both are very good for you but chocolate cake is a definite
Coke-dehancer. Coke-enhancers (also known as food of the gods) are usually dry,
maybe salty, and never sweet. Cheese is probably the number one Coke-enhancer.
Add cheese to your hash browns and, with a Coke, you'll experience a sensation you
never dreamed possible. Some other examples of good Coke-enhancers are: Bacon,
pasta, and pizza (preferably with extra cheese). Snack items that serve as good
Coke-enhancers include: Chips, pretzels, and cheetos. Most dehancers are sweet.
Don't drink Coke with candy bars, doughnuts, cookies, and other such dessert or snack
items. As a final tip, never mix enhancers and dehancers. For example, if you go out for
breakfast, don't order pancakes, hash browns, bacon, and Coke. The minute you put
syrup on the pancakes you have created a Coke-dehancer, thus ruining an otherwise
good breakfast.

So please people, let's join together and make the world a great place to live by making
sure that everyone is happy. The next time you see someone with a beverage other
than Coca-Cola, do yourself a favor and buy them a Coke and a smile.

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